It is almost the end of 2024, it is time for another collection of pictures I have found on line that look like LP covers. Sorry for not acknowledging where this picture came from this year.

Electric Reaper – You’re Not Suppose To Give Up

Okavanga – As Far As I Can See

Adonai – When A God Looks Down On Creation
Adonai is one of the names of God in Judaism

Alsatia – Fancy Colours
Alsatia was an area just outside of the City of London that, in the 17th Century was known for its lawlessness.

Streamer – Everybody’s Number One To Someone

Colonel Sparrow – I Don’t Really Know What I Am Doing Here
Colonel Sparrow is referencing novelty band, Lieutenant Pigeon who were famous for their hit, ‘Mouldy Old Dough’.

Serenita – Tropical Moon Over Dorking
Serenita is the Italian word for peace.

House Of Dolls – Where Does The Sun Shine?
House of Dolls is a 1953 novel that describes ‘Joy Divisions’, which were groups of women imprisoned in concentration camps during World War 2, who were kept for the sexual pleasure of other inmates.

The Canute’s – Still Waiting
King Canute (or Cnut) was King of England, Norway and Denmark up to his death in 1035. He is said to have sat on a beach to show how limited his power was by being unable to stop the tide.

Empty Horses – The Moon Is Not A Balloon
The title of this fake album is a reference to David Niven’s memoir, ‘The Moon’s A Balloon’.

The Contexts – Metamorphopsia
Metamorphopsia is a type of distorted vision in which a grid of straight lines appears wavy or partially blank.

The Co-Ordinators – The Lost Art Of Getting Lost

‘movement iv – Fire & Water

Arboretum – Frosted Windows

Almas – Can You See What I See?